Partnership between VAST Data and Superna® Announced – View Press Release

Unstructured Data Discovery Platform

Discover, protect, and preserve business-critical data

Superna’s unstructured data discovery platform provides real-time event auditing and data search capabilities that maintains data integrity for reporting and analytics of access, usage, and data change events.

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Of unstructured data stored by the average organization
Of businesses investing in big data and AI, fueled by unstructured data
Of potentially sensitive data generated per second by the average employee

Why choose Superna for data discovery and compliance?

Manage billions of files with an easy-to-operate, enterprise-class data protection platform that delivers scalable search and analytics.

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How Superna can help your organization

Uphold Compliance

Ensure up-to-date file status, even when data is on the move and files are constantly changing.

Filing Status

Quickly and easily search file system data crucial for regulatory compliance reporting requirements with our data discovery solutions.

Usage Metrics

Gain visibility into data usage with efficient self- service search eDiscovery tools for GDPR, PCI, HIPAA, and legal discovery.

The data discovery and compliance tools you need for efficiency and regulations

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Data Discovery & Compliance
Real-time event auditing and data search capabilities that maintains data integrity for reporting and analytics of access, usage, and data change events for regulatory compliance needs.

Data Discovery & Compliance Frequently Asked Questions

Common questions we receive about data discovery and compliance and our answers.

What is a data security platform?

A data security platform, as it pertains to Superna, is a suite of tools designed and tailored to provide additional layers of security to your data to protect it from threat actors, including hackers and even internal threats such as employees and accidental loss.

What is a data discovery platform?

A data discovery platform allows your team to quickly identify unique data within your organization’s storage. Over the years, data retention can result in mass amounts of data being stored, making it a difficult and lengthy process to quickly find. An example of the growth in unstructured data and its value is in the use of advanced analytics. As companiesy’s gather and aggregate more operational data, they can harness the power of machine learning  and artificial intelligence to identify opportunities to improve performance and cut costs that would otherwise have gone unnoticed.

What use cases can data discovery and compliance be applied to?

As part of your organization’s data governance policies, there may be a number of strategies in place to ensure your company operates within and is compliant withto industry regulations. These strategies can include policies and access controls, as well as the use of log auditing software or a hybrid data management platform. By adhering to these rules, your organization can avoid hefty fines.

Ready to improve efficiency and reduce regulatory costs?

Accelerate your data discovery capabilities and ensure your organization’s regulatory compliance today.

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