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Superna's Smart AirGap simplifies the 3-2-1 backup strategy for increased cyber resilience.

Superna’s Smart AirGap provides an automated cyber vault that secures offline data copies for a last line of defense

Superna's Smart AirGap

Supera’s Smart AirGap module provides a fully automated cyber vault for a last line of defense for your critical data.

By creating an “air gap” between the storage system and the external network, a hacker who has gained network access is denied access to stored data and is presented with additional layers of security.

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Superna’s Smart AirGap adds a fully automated cyber vault, with daily synced data reporting and in-band vault cluster monitoring.

Supera’s Smart AirGap module provides a fully automated cyber vault for a last line of defense for your critical data. By creating an “air gap” between the storage system and the external network, a hacker who has gained network access is denied access to stored data and is presented with additional layers of security.

Highlights of Superna’s Smart AirGap

  • Add-on module offers enhanced protection of data stored on Dell Isilon/PowerScale hardware
  • Fully automated cyber vault, with daily synced data reporting, and in-band vault cluster monitoring
  • Protects critical configuration data in a PowerScale cyber vault
  • Inside- or Outside-the-Vault automation
  • Double-door vault protection
  • Rapid recovery for petabyte-scale data in a matter of hours
  • AWS S3 to S3 Air Gap support
  • Cloud Access Connector (CAS) to CAS Air Gap support
  • Based on best practices established by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)
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Learn more about Superna's Smart AirGap

Add a fully automated cyber vault, with daily synced data reporting and in-band vault cluster monitoring with Superna Smart AirGap.

Speak with an expert at Superna today to see how we can help.

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A virtual break between network and storage for increased security

Superna’s Smart AirGap module creates a virtual air gap between the object storage system and the external network. This is achieved by creating a secure communication channel between the object storage system and a designated security appliance, which acts as a proxy for external communications. Smart AirGap adds security features to create a virtual break between the storage system and the network, to combat cyberthreats.

Superna’s Smart AirGap offers the industry’s fastest rapid recovery mode, eliminating the days (and even weeks) required by typical backup solutions to restore data from vault devices. Superna’s rapid recovery enables offline data to be accessible in as little as a few hours, regardless of the size of the protected dataset. Rapid recovery also restores SMB and NFS share definitions.

Smart AirGap is available in 2 configurations – AirGap Basic and AirGap Enterprise – providing two levels of protection for your storage appliances, in compliance with best practices suggested by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Cybersecurity Framework. AirGap Enterprise

Available with Inside- or Outside-the-Vault automation

The Inside-the-Vault hardened solution offers double door vault protection. Two network doors must be open at the same time for data to replicate. Superna offers the only double door cyber vault solution. Outside-the-Vault protection enables a lower-cost secure solution with end-to-end automation and a single door vault solution.

Rapid Recovery

Superna offers the only rapid recovery solution for petabyte-scale data that enables access in as little as a few hours.

Robust Protection

Superna protects PowerScale critical configuration data in the vault (Shares, NFS exports, quotas)


Many to one support for protection of multiple source clusters to a single vault cluster.


Dell PowerScale offers the lowest-cost cyber vault-protected offline copy of data. It provides for space-efficient block differential snapshots; block level replication; and immutable snapshots with automated data retention management.

Flexible Data Protection

Select your data protection by path, with custom replication policies managed by Superna. Protect all or just a subset of your production data.

AirGap Anywhere

The source of the AirGap copy can be production or the DR cluster data copy. Allows maximum flexibility for deploying your cyber vault.

Flexible Network Options

Utilizes layer 3 or layer 2 between production and vault cluster for network flexibility.

Simplified Network Management

Ransomware Defender manages the network between the production cluster and the vault cluster.

Smart AirGap

Uses real-time, zero-trust user behavior monitoring to restrict updates to a vault copy if source data is under threat. Create custom policies to determine criteria for opening or closing the cyber vault. And role-based access control simplifies ongoing management of your AirGap.

Robust Reporting

Fully automated daily reporting covering synced data and in-band vault cluster hardware monitoring.

Golden Copy Integration

Superna Golden Copy integration for File-to-Object-aware secure copying to offsite AWS S3 cloud storage. Allows Golden Copy to pause backups if source data is under attack.

Schedule a Demo Today

To learn more about how Superna can help you protect your most critical data with our Smart AirGap solution, speak with an expert today.

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