Partnership between VAST Data and Superna® Announced – View Press Release

Security Integration Partners

Superna’s security integrations allow for seamless sharing of security findings across your current data security ecosystem to expedite incident response, provide data insight across security tools, and improve operational efficiency. Superna helps close the data security gap while allowing you to continue to use the security tools with which you’re already familiar.


Native integrations accelerate deployment and enhance your existing technology investments

Superna’s technology integrations combine best-of-breed architectures with your existing technology investments to defend your data from threats, prevent data loss, and support regulatory compliance.

Superna Integration Benefits

Reduce risk, automate and scale

Augment the power of your existing technology infrastructures and architectures to automatically identify new threats and attack vectors. Maintain regulatory compliance while orchestrating and securing your data throughout all of your environments.

Make informed decisions faster

Equip your IT teams with data-driven insights for quick, decisive response to high-priority data security scenarios and data change events.

Gain critical visibility

Superna’s technology integrations speed deployment and provide seamless interoperability for increased visibility across your organization’s workloads and storage environments.

Maximize ROI of your technology investments

Our validated integrations provide your business with a quicker path to innovation, accelerate time to market, and enable a faster return on your technology and infrastructure investments

Learn how Superna can secure your data, on-prem and in the hybrid cloud.

Superna’s data-first approach secures your data, wherever it resides.

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