Partnership between VAST Data and Superna® Announced – View Press Release


Superna helps the healthcare industry protect its most valuable assets: its data.

Emerging technologies and collaborative workflows add complexity to protecting unstructured data.

More than 80% of healthcare data is unstructured, and a prime target for hackers.
The current total for healthcare data breaches in 2023 is 395… so far.
The records of 59,569,604 individuals have been exposed or stolen in 2023… so far.

Protecting healthcare data

Technology has transformed healthcare

The shift to digital technologies has had a seismic impact on healthcare. Telemedicine, artificial intelligence (AI)-enabled medical devices, and blockchain electronic health records are just a few examples of how technology has completely reshaped how we interact with health professionals, how data is shared collaboratively among providers, and how decisions are made about treatment plans and health outcomes.

More than 80% of healthcare data is unstructured. This includes medical images, written narratives (clinical notes, problem lists, discharge summaries, radiology reports, etc.).

Unlike structured data, unstructured file sizes are typically large: A single chest X-ray might be 15 megabytes, but a 3D mammogram can be 300 megabytes. And a digital pathology file might be as much as 3 gigabytes, roughly the same size as a full-length, high-def movie.

Unstructured data has enabled healthcare providers and researchers to gain deeper insights into patient health, improve drug discovery, optimize healthcare operations, and better monitor disease outbreaks.

Improved patient outcomes

Analysis of unstructured data – such as electronic health records (EHRs), medical imaging, and genomics data – provides healthcare with deeper insights into patient health and allows providers to develop personalized treatment plans and improve patient outcomes.

Enhanced drug discovery

By analyzing scientific literature and clinical trial data, researchers gain insights into the effectiveness of new drugs and identify potential drug interactions.

Improved healthcare operations

Automating processes and reducing manual workloads allows healthcare providers to improve operational efficiencies and speed up patient care.

Better disease surveillance

By analyzing unstructured data sources such as social media and news articles, healthcare providers can identify potential outbreaks and take proactive measures to mitigate their spread.

Delivering telehealth services

Patients, providers, payers, pharmaceutical companies, and specialists are able to collaborate effectively, for enhanced value-based care.

Superna for the Healthcare Industry

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Superna understands healthcare
Protecting unstructured healthcare data requires a comprehensive strategy that includes data classification, encryption, access control, employee training, and regular security audits. For more than a decade, Superna has been at the forefront of protecting and managing unstructured data around the globe. From workflow automation to data classification and management, to data tiering and archiving, our tools, technology, and domain expertise help ensure that your unstructured data is protected, secure, and available when and where you need it.

Learn how Superna can secure your data, on-prem and in the hybrid cloud.

Superna’s data-first approach secures your data, wherever it resides.

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