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Category: cyberstorage

Multi-Layered Data Security is the New Gold Standard

Analyst firms like Gartner are recommending that organizations employ a multi-layered approach to protecting against data security threat events, breaches, ransomware, and even simple coding errors by employing active cyberstorage defense capabilities that can robustly detect and thwart attacks and other disruptions.
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AI in the Enterprise: New Opportunities, Newer Risks

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) in the enterprise promise to unlock new value and provide superior insights, for enhanced decision-making and better, more consistent outcomes. But they also bring new risks: risks to integrity, privacy, and effectiveness. You see, hackers aren’t really interested in your apps… they’re after your DATA. And AI generates massive amounts of it, all unstructured… a prime target for cyberthreats including ransomware, encryption, exfiltration, and poisoning.
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How does your org structure impact your cyber response capabilities?

In this post, we'll look at some of the pros and cons around various security organizational structures and how they might influence better outcomes while improving your security posture.
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Securing Your Data Pipeline in the Era of AI and ML

Overlooking data security and data lifecycle can create vulnerabilities in the infrastructure that supports your
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A new industrial revolution is being powered by Generative AI

Unprecedented growth in the data outputs created by Generative AI and Large Language Models has accelerated demand for both speed and storage, but has also greatly increased the attack surface for the enterprise. A new approach to data security is required.
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Protecting your data supply chain against emergent cyberthreats

The risks posed by bad actors altering training data to change how an AI algorithm functions could prove disastrous to your AI initiatives.
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Solving the Achilles Heel of Audit Security

The limitations of traditional file system security is hindering innovation in cyberstorage. Background Auditing (who
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