AV-Comparatives Ransomware Test Results – View Blog

Ransomware defense independent test results

  • Date: Sep 09, 2024
  • Read time: 4 minutes
AV Comparatives ransomware defense test reports

Ransomware defense independent test results

If you are trying to choose the best product to protect mission-critical data in your organization from attacks, you’re probably looking for some credible ransomware defense independent test results. All kinds of vendors make all kinds of claims about the effectiveness of their services, some even going so far as to offer “warranties”. But if you read the fine print, these promises aren’t really defense guarantees at all, they are only saying that backed up data can be restored after an incident.  But there are no commitments to when that will happen or how long your production data may be unavailable.  What you really need is proof that a cyber defense solution will stop an attack BEFORE it has quietly savaged all your unstructured data! 

Superna decided to “prove it” with ransomware defense independent test results

Superna is the first and only cyber storage vendor to regularly publish ransomware defense independent test results to prove its ability to protect your storage, even from ZERO DAY attacks. We were so confident in the Superna Data Security Edition we hired the security experts at AV-Comparatives as white hats to throw everything they had at our product with different ransomware strains, including new variants they created just to see what happens. And we asked them to look at HETEROGENEOUS PROTECTION of multiple storage platforms including DELL, VAST Data, and Qumulo to show that our ransomware protection works equally well everywhere. We also asked them to evaluate our ransomware defense software against the NIST CYBERSECURITY FRAMEWORK standards and best practices. The results speak for themselves.

AV-Comparatives findings couldn’t be clearer or more confidence inspiring. They said unequivocally that  “Superna Data Security Edition detected all events, locked the originating user out of the share and created new storage snapshots for further incident investigation. From the Recovery Manager, all files could be restored back to their state before the infection.”

Here’s an executive summary of the test results

From Andreas Clementi, CEO and founder of AV-Comparatives:

In a meticulously conducted analysis, AV-Comparatives rigorously evaluated the resilience and effectiveness of Superna Data Security Edition across a spectrum of storage devices. The evaluation aimed to provide a granular understanding of its capabilities in defending against the complex landscape of ransomware threats, which are increasingly targeting storage systems directly.

The necessity for specialised ransomware protection for storage devices stems from a critical gap in conventional endpoint security strategies. Typically, endpoint protection platforms (EPP) are designed to secure workstations and servers against malware infections. However, these solutions often do not extend their coverage to network-attached storage (NAS) devices and other storage systems. These devices, while integral to an organisation’s data infrastructure, remain vulnerable due to the lack of direct endpoint protection capabilities.

Moreover, attackers are constantly evolving their tactics to bypass traditional security measures, with storage systems becoming a prime target for ransomware campaigns. The implications of a ransomware attack on storage devices are severe – from the loss of critical data to significant downtime and operational disruption. Hence, it is paramount for organisations to adopt a layered security approach that includes dedicated ransomware protection for their storage assets.

The evaluation of Superna Data Security Edition is aimed at providing organisations with reliable, in-depth insights into the solution’s effectiveness in this specialised area of cybersecurity. Understanding the performance and resilience of such solutions is essential in enabling IT managers and CISOs to make informed decisions about integrating additional layers of protection to safeguard their digital assets against evolving threats.

Why is AV-Comparatives credible as a testing organization?

From their own website, “AV-Comparatives is an independent organization offering systematic testing that checks whether security software, such as PC/Mac-based antivirus products and mobile security solutions, lives up to its promises. Using one of the largest threat collections worldwide, it creates a real-world environment for truly accurate testing. AV-Comparatives offers freely accessible results to individuals, news organizations and scientific institutions. Certification by AV-Comparatives provides an official seal of approval for software performance which is globally recognized.”

Real-world ransomware defense independent test results, not weak promises

If you want to see real ransomware defense independent test results for yourself, don’t take our word for it, download the detailed reports below. And then ask the other vendors on your evaluation list if they can prove it themselves! Apologies in advance if it gets awkward though….

Download the AV-Comparatives reports now:

Want to learn how Superna Data Security Edition can help you protect your unstructured data from ransomware attacks? Let’s talk!