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Multi-Layered Data Security is the New Gold Standard

  • Date: Jul 19, 2024
  • Read time: 4 minutes

Data disruption events can occur any time and for any reason. A multi-layered approach to data security accelerates your return to normal business operation.

A faulty software update wreaked havoc with an alarming number of businesses today, including airlines, banks, healthcare operations, and even grocery stores. As their systems all ground to a halt, the software company in question stressed that the outage was not tied to a cyberattack or security incident. Instead, a bug or inconsistency in the software update impacted Windows computer systems, causing many of them to crash. And given how so many enterprises use Microsoft as the backbone of their business ecosystem, the damage had a cascading impact, one that’s likely to be felt for days, if not longer.

The outage has forced major commercial airlines, including Delta, American and United, to halt flights across the globe, disrupted certain operations at major broadcast networks, and impacted commercial bank operations across multiple locations. And while a patch has been released, there’s no telling how long it will take to deploy and get operations back up and running. On the Microsoft side of things, the Redmond, WA giant indicated that they had already begun to apply mitigation steps to improve the availability and functionality of Microsoft 365 applications.

Technology is all around us, impacting virtually every aspect of our lives. And while it can save time, increase accuracy, reduce cost and provide numerous other benefits, it’s also become so entrenched in our lives that even a small disruption – whether accidental or otherwise – can have a tremendous impact. So while today’s interruption of services does not appear to be the result of malicious intent, the impact is nonetheless very real and with potentially lethal consequences.

As data assumes a much larger role in the operations of businesses large and small, the need to adequately secure it and enable recoverability has become table stakes. It’s why analyst firms like Gartner are recommending that organizations employ a multi-layered approach to protecting against data security threat events, breaches, ransomware — and even simple coding errors — by employing active cyberstorage defense capabilities that can robustly detect and thwart attacks and other disruptions.

Traditional approaches to data protection such as endpoint protection can leave a security blind spot: The Data Layer

Superna is not an endpoint protection solution. We’re a data protection solution, which means that even in a scenario like the one experienced today, Superna software remains alive and well and protecting the data at its source. And while endpoint protection is critical, the value of a multi-layered approach to data security is clear.  Superna runs in a controlled deployment inside the datacenter and is complementary to the traditional backup and recovery solutions that are commonly in use today. So, in a scenario like today’s where the endpoint security was compromised, Superna solutions remain unaffected, running in the background, monitoring and analyzing data access, and can spring into action as necessary. By continuing to secure the data, it enables a quicker return to normal business operations.

By focusing on data security at the core, Superna helps ensure that even if endpoint defenses are compromised, critical data remains protected. This layered approach to data security helps organizations safeguard their most valuable asset – their data – against both cyberthreats and human error, for improved resilience and business continuity in a world that is increasingly reliant on data.

Key Takeaways

  • Technology is pervasive in the operation of business both large and small, and can save time, increase accuracy, reduce cost and provide numerous other benefits. But it’s also become so entrenched in our lives that even a small disruption – accidental or otherwise – can have tremendous impact.
  • Traditional data protection solutions are no longer sufficient for detecting and thwarting attacks or other anomalies at the data layer, an increasingly popular target for cybercriminals.
  • You need a multi-layered approach to data security. Focus on solutions that deliver active technologies to identify, protect, detect, respond and recover from cyberattacks and even human error, especially at the data layer. This helps close the data security gap left by traditional approaches to data protection and recovery and minimize business disruption.

Prevention is the new recovery

For more than a decade, Superna has provided innovation and leadership in data security and cyberstorage solutions for unstructured data, both on-premise and in the hybrid cloud. Superna solutions are utilized by thousands of organizations globally, helping them to close the data security gap by providing automated, next-generation cyber defense at the data layer. Superna is recognized by Gartner as a solution provider in the cyberstorage category. Superna… because prevention is the new recovery!